The Recipe Of An Excellent Trip

exotic travel

Regardless if you are going away on a long weekend or a well-deserved vacation leave, the last thing you would want to deal with is disaster, which would definitely happen if you do not prepare. Like a good pot of soup that needs the right amount of ingredients, an excellent trip could only be achieved by means of a good travel recipe, and here are some considerations that you might want to keep in mind.


Not everyone will enjoy shopping in Hong Kong. Your mother-in-law might no longer have what it takes to go temple hopping in Siem Reap. Every person has his own trip recipe in mind, and this could be tricky when travelling in groups. The best way around this is to plan ahead and consult everyone in advance. Before you leave, you should have an ideal travel recipe in mind. Some cities like Seoul and Bangkok, for example, have various attractions that cater to almost every demographic. Try similar cities so everyone would be guaranteed an excellent trip.


In relation to what has already been discussed, it would be best to travel with individuals who have the same interests as you. Trying to please everyone is a rather difficult game, and all of you could end up frustrated. Do not see it as a disadvantage, though, if you are to travel with people who are not likeminded. Think of it rather as an opportunity to widen your horizons.

Atmosphere and Mood

If you are young and liberated, then hostels are the best way to go. A perfect trip recipe is to check out the hip scenes in each locale and party the night away with people your age after an intense day of touring the city you are in. A trip is easily spoiled by negativity lurking in the atmosphere. Keeping everything conducive for learning new things will serve as the fuel that will keep your motivations up.

Travel Balance

While most of us would envy that friend on Facebook who uploads a new selfie in front of a new cultural landmark every day, not all of us are granted that luxury, and not without reason. Excessive travel could be bad for you. Come to think of it, it is when you lie down on your own bed with your head against your pillow that everything settles in. A perfect trip recipe is to keep it in moderation so you would always come back for more.

In the end, the perfect travel recipe for an excellent trip would really vary from one person to the next. As such, planning beforehand is essential in order to ensure the maximisation of whatever advantages a good trip could give you. Ask yourself, what do you really want? Are you open to experiencing new things? How far are you willing to go in terms of having an adventurous spirit? As you will soon discover, it’s only you who can create your own perfect travel recipe to feel travel symphony.

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