Top 10 Travel Stereotypes

travel stereotypes

So there you are on your office desk smirking at the sight of yet another Facebook contact posing in front of the Eiffel Tower. Could it be that you really just hate travel, or perhaps you are just letting some travel stereotypes get in the way of your very own photo in front of whatever popular world landmark of your choice. Do not lose the opportunity to get to know the world, and beware of these ten stereotypes that make you judge travel unfairly.

Travelling Is Expensive

But so is that LV bag you bought three weeks ago. Most people think they don’t have money to spend on travel because they already spent it on other materialistic travails that lose their chic factor along with the change in seasons.

Travel Alone Is Boring

If you let it be, it actually is. You could always travel with friends, or simply take the opportunity to get to know yourself better. There is no better companion than you yourself.

Travel Is Uncomfortable

So is sitting on your office desk from nine to five. It is by venturing away from your comfort zone that you get to explore your limitations and hidden abilities in life. You would end up surprising yourself.

Travelling Is Dangerous

If the local population in whichever city it is you’re going could survive every day in such an environment, then so can you as a tourist. As long as you bring along some common sense, you will be fine.

Travel Is for the Young

Travel is for the living, and this unjustified correlation with age is one of the worst travel stereotypes out there. As long as you could walk, you could travel!

I Have No Time

Then make time for it. Schedule your travel once every four months as you would a regular appointment with your doctor or dentist. This is what vacation leave entitlements are for, my friend.

Plane Tickets Are Expensive

Have you ever heard of low-cost airlines? If you book half a year prior to your flight, you could get that ticket for as low as ten per cent of the original price. Just book your ticket, forget you did, then travel on the date.

Hotels Are Expensive

The thing is you don’t have to stay in one. Hostels come with a throng of friendly tourists waiting to be your friends and there is free Wi-Fi too! You can usually get a bunk bed under 20 pounds a night!

It’s a Waste of Time

Time enjoyed is not wasted, and the memories that would stay with you forever are enough to recoup the cost of any trip. As they say, collect memories, not things. So, be full of travel spirit and develop your own travel symphony.

It’s a Waste of Money

Money is earned to be spent, and spending it on something that’ll give you a new experience in life is always good for self-development. So throw away all those travel stereotypes out of the window and allow yourself to enjoy some of life’s greatest treasures. Travelling is obviously one of them.

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